"Authenticity is more than speaking; Authenticity is also about doing. Every decision we make says something about who we are."

Simon Sinek

Let's Get Started
Reaching Your Goals!


Setting goals is a key component in being a successful speaker. We will sit down together and look at what you are trying to accomplish and make a comprehensive list of the goals and the obstacles. We then work together to tackle them one by one until we have a great plan in place.
Goal Concept with Arrow on Street


Finding your unique speaking style is a series of trial and error. We are ever-changing and evolving. The speaker that you are today will be different from the presenter you will be in a year or two. Together, we select topics for some of your next presentations and then practice them.
Goal Concept with Arrow on Street


The discover process takes time and patience. Engaging your target audience is the goals. You to start getting more comfortable with your own style and methodology. We look at everything in your life that brought you joy and passion and bring it into your speaking.
Goal Concept with Arrow on Street


Your action plan begins with goal setting. We collaborate to develop the steps necessary for you to meet your goals. We share ideas for your action plan. Now, you are on your way to making this an integral part of your life. The right action plan will yield the best results.
Goal Concept with Arrow on Street


Celebrating your successes along the way is a sure fire way to keep your momentum going. Small victories pave the way for the larger “WINS”. Now you’re on your way to becoming a powerful, authentic speaker and you are on the way to being even better. THIS IS WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS!
Goal Concept with Arrow on Street


Planning for your next goals and action steps should be an on-going process. It's like tackling one staircase and find another landing to climb. Keep the momentum going and dream up new and more challenging goals for yourself to achieve so that you are always growing.
Goal Concept with Arrow on Street
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"The strongest force in the universe is a human being living consistently with his identity."

Tony Robbins

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Let's Transform Your Skills

Learn more about my process and how I get great results!


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    Meet Val

    My life’s work is to make a positive difference. Together we will identify, manage and conquer all of your unique “obstacles”.  Let’s transform YOU into the powerful speaker and communicator that you are meant to be.

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